GODREJ achieves 99% Data Consistency through EPLAN
Godrej Efacec Automation & Robotics Ltd, is India’s leading manufacturer of automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS). EPLAN helped Godrej Efacec make considerable savings in time- 70% time reduction in electrical engineering and 30% time reduction in design time alone.
Godrej Efacec Automation & Robotics Ltd, is India’s leading manufacturer of automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS). During the past decade, they have provided intelligent warehousing solutions across a wide range of industries and have 35 successful installations to their credit. The AS/RS systems vary from relatively simple, manually controlled systems operating in small storage structures to extremely large, computer-controlled storage/retrieval systems totally integrated with ERP system. This required an advanced software solution that could provide standardization of electrical design, enhanced report generation (BOM) and a better setting up process for electrical engineering. EPLAN was able to satisfy their requirements and helped them achieve 99% of data consistency. Creation of 524 window macros and placeholders in EPLAN helped accelerate production rate by reducing drafting time. "We are able to leverage the power of EPLAN in the area of electrical engineering as well as electrical project documentation and tracking" (Ravi S Rao, DGM-Design, Godrej Efacec Automation & Robotics Ltd.)Godrej Efacec - India’s leader in providing Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS) Godrej Efacec Automation & Robotics Ltd, a joint venture between Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. and Portugal’s Efacec Engenharia e Sistemas, is India’s leading provider of automated storage & retrieval systems and intelligent warehousing solutions. During the past 10 years, the client has designed and manufactured over 35 installations across various industries including the textile, paper and pharmaceutical industry. Offering European quality solutions at economical prices, Godrej Efacec has the distinction of having installed over 35 AS/RS projects in India with heights up to 28 meters tall and with a maximum load capacity of 2000 kg and maximum pallet size of 1250 x 1800 mm. It is the only Indian company that has commissioned over 60 automated storage equipments serving more than 2,00,000 pallet locations. Apart from AS/RS application, Godrej Efacec also offers its clients a variety of solutions for intralogistics, namely automatic conveying systems, order preparation systems and AGVs for Industry, Logistics Operators, Banks, Military and Airports. Also Godrej Efacec offers standalone Warehouse Management Systems (WMS).The trigger that encouraged Godrej Efacec to switch to EPLAN Godrej Efacec Automation & Robotics Ltd., Mumbai, India, needed a more advanced software solution for the designing of their automated storage & retrieval systems. In particular, the client required standardization of electrical design, enhanced report generation (BOM) and a better setting up process for electrical engineering. As designers and manufacturers of automated storage and retrieval systems, the setting up process for electrical engineering was an important aspect, where several issues had to be addressed. The client required that the software included automatic generation of test plan for control panels, project process documents which consisted of pre-requisites for the commissioning engineer to take over from the installation engineer, and project process documents which consisted of the activity plan (site time sheet and schedules) for the commissioning engineer. In addition, the client also required automatic creation of standard guidelines for mounting specific sensors and devices on the equipments, which would be used by the mechanical department to do the mounting designs and electro-mechanical assembly wise BOM, which was needed by the Installation department. The need for standardization of the IO-addressing of PLC for specific equipment type and the graphical representation of sensor/ devices on the drawings also had Godrej Efacec searching for a better service provider. Inspired by their parent company’s positive experience with EPLAN, Godrej Efacec decided to use EPLAN from December 2010. EPLAN implementation in Godrej Efacec’s projects Before implementing EPLAN, Godrej Efacec first identified and listed their immediate requirements. This included electrical drawing requirements, reports requirements for the various departments, and the functional and operational document list with reference to various field electrical components. During the implementation stage, appropriate training in the various EPLAN tools, ensured that the engineers who would be working on the drafting and standardization activities, could make effective use of the EPLAN software. The tool was also useful as a ready reference of equipment operation modes and troubleshooting guide through incorporation of "Project Documents" drawings.EPLAN’s impact on Godrej Efacec’s engineering productivity Godrej Efacec has realized numerous of the set objectives that initially motivated them to opt for EPLAN. The principal benefit has been 70% of time reduction in electrical engineering with data consistency. During the past 2+ years of using EPLAN, the client has increased engineering productivity through standardization of electrical design (equipment wise), accuracy in electrical BOM, better control over project management/execution, reduction in overall engineering cost and consistency in all results. The continued success of EPLAN has now motivated the company to increase productivity and augment cost savings by implementing engineering solutions for other allied industries including panel engineering and panel building.Godrej Efacec discovered the perfect tool in EPLAN Engineers at Godrej Efacec have found the perfect tool in EPLAN. Their response has been enthusiastic and they have not only found it to be "a good tool for generating electrical drawings with component reports", but also found that the macros, placeholder object, reports filter and export to PDF option that came with EPLAN made it "possible to increase production even further". Having achieved 90% of data consistency in the overall EPLAN documentation, Godrej Efacec is now planning to use more of EPLAN’s resources in the future. Their plans include launching of connectivity interface with ERP and the purchase of additional add-on module EPLAN Engineering Center One.EPLAN – A sustainable solution that encourages best practices Godrej Efacec is happy with the many advantages of EPLAN and rated the data consistency of the overall EPLAN documentation a high 90%. The client identified four main areas where EPLAN contributed to significant improvements in their day-to-day operations. EPLAN contributed towards improving the ability to standardize recurrent content, generation of faster and more reliable documentation, reduction or elimination of errors/easier error checking and provision of greater documentation for field service. In addition to general benefits like consistency of project design, better project handling, monitoring & control, the engineers also reported fast document release for the various departments, including program developer, purchase, installation, etc. EPLAN also helped Godrej Efacec make considerable savings in time- 70% time reduction in electrical engineering and 30% time reduction in design time alone. "We are successful in influencing the installation and commissioning part of the project by automatically generating reports and documents." EPLAN was able to satisfy their requirements and helped them increase production rate through reduction of drafting time and also achieve 99% data consistency. Overall, the installation of EPLAN has helped modularize project design, allowed engineers to import certified component data directly from EPLAN Data Portal, configure new options and product variants, and improve on the total quality. For more information on Godrej Efacec, please visit : <link http: www.godrejefacec.com>www.godrejefacec.com